hi! my name is Digital, but I mostly go by Digi online.
https://wikibot.digitaldragon.dev is an Archive Team project dedicated to saving wikis online before they disappear - chat with us at #wikibot on irc.hackint.org or click through to the project page to learn more
octomc.net (aka: aetheria.world) is an upcoming RPG-style Minecraft server. We haven't made a website yet, so try our Discord: https://discord.gg/gEbxQr64K8
contact me:
- Discord: @digitaldragon (Please note that I don't always accept unsolicited friend requests - please send a DM or contact me somewhere else if we don't share a server!)
- IRC: DigitalDragons on irc.hackint.org or DigitalDragon on irc.libera.chat
- Email: contact [at] digitaldragon [dot] dev
(More will be here soon, but I needed to put *something* up)